Worthing Liberal Democrat Councillors

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Weather and Flooding Update from West Sussex County Council

by Press Officer on 24 December, 2012

Flood Alert

West Sussex County Council is urging residents to stay alert to the continuing wet weather over the Christmas holiday with a number of flood alerts still in place, and further rainfall on already saturated ground.

Extra pumps and tankers were in use across many parts of West Sussex over the weekend, and sandbags delivered in the most vulnerable areas.

The County Council has also been checking some badly flooded roads after reports that this has caused potholes.

The West Sussex Flood Risk Partnership yesterday (Sunday) delivered letters to homes in the Lavant Valley area near Chichester because of concern over rising groundwater levels in an area that includes the villages of Singleton, Charlton, and West and East Dean.

The letter included Environment Agency website links to groundwater levels at a monitoring borehole in Chilgrove, so residents can keep an eye on the situation.

It also included advice and information and urged people to sign up for the Environment Agency’s flood warning system. Sandbags have also been delivered to the area as a precaution.

The letter was sent on behalf of the County Council, the Environment Agency, Chichester District Council and Southern Water.

Surface water is still making road conditions difficult in some areas. Drivers are being urged to slow down and take extra care, particularly on darker roads where they might not see surface water in front of them.

County Council Leader Louise Goldsmith said: “All the agencies were working very hard over the weekend to protect homes and do their utmost to keep people on the move at the busiest time of the year.

“They will also be monitoring the weather and flood risk areas constantly over Christmas.”

The main advice to residents over the Bank Holiday period is –
•       Sign for up for flood alerts from the Environment Agency and use its website for information and advice – http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/ People can also ring 0845 988 1188.

•       Report drain and pothole issues to the Love West Sussex website which can be found by using links from the front page of the County Council’s website www.westsussex.gov.uk

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