Worthing Liberal Democrat Councillors

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Worthing Liberal Democrats Weekly Newsletter – 1st to 7th December 2013

by Press Officer on 8 December, 2013

Alan Rice
Leader: Mathematics of madness
News this past week:
1. Worthing Car Park Charges Slashed On April Fools Day
2. Goldman Sachs May Reconsider London As A Hub If UK Quits EU
3. Montague Street Funding Still A Mystery
4. Why No Beach Chalet Planning Meeting Report?
  • Lib Dems will keep County services local where ever possible
  • Lib Dems will devolve more money to be spent locally and allow residents to decide how it’s spent
  • Lib Dems will ensure vulnerable people are safeguarded and support 20 mph in Worthing’s residential roads
Leader: Mathematics of madness
Officers presented to Worthing Tory Cabinet Members four options on Tuesday night to fulfil their wish of bringing off-street car park charges down and ‘in-house’. Option 4 had a base £1.50 for one hour (down from the current £1.70); option 3 at £1.20; option 2 at £1.10 and option 1 at £1.00. The rates would apply to the multi-storey car parks in the High Street, Buckingham Road and the Grafton Centre.
Leader of the Council Paul Yallop wanted to reduce the charge for a trial three month period starting April 1st 2014 and officers calculated the potential loss of revenue for the period for all the options. Option 4 has a potential loss of £30,279; option 3 – £82,431; option 2 – £94,456 and option 1 – £118,733.
The report suggested the Cabinet went for option 3 – £1.20 an hour underwritten by £82,431 of reserves. This was not aggressive enough for Cllr Clive Roberts who immediately plumped for option 1, swiftly seconded by Cllr Tom Wye and immediately agreed without discussion or dissent by all six members of the Cabinet in a Gadarene rush. Surely this couldn’t have been rehearsed in an ‘informal Cabinet’ behind closed doors earlier?
By going for option 1 the Cabinet had crossed the Rubicon line of having to have Full Council approval – as the amount of reserves needed to underwrite the option was over £100,000. Any other option would not have needed Council approval and would have denied debate. But now a debate is to be had at Full Council on Tuesday December 17th – you can listen to a recording of the session on the Worthing Borough Council website.
We doubt the Cabinet Member responsible for parking realised his hasty intervention precipitated a debate in Council – from his point of view much better to have slipped through unchallenged and unchallengable. Now we will take up the challenge.
The numbers on option 1 are frightening. The calculated potential loss on a yearly basis is £570k whereas the total Council tax take last year was only £7.62 million – so effectively £570k (or £119k over three months) is a 7.5% hit to Worthing’s council tax payers. It is the mathematics of madness.
Mr Yallop is contemplating a 2% increase in Council Tax in April because Worthing cannot afford to pay for its services otherwise – yet apparently we can afford nearly 4 times as much to subsidise just three car parks.
Why should the significant number of council tax payers who do not own cars including the elderly and less well-off be mugged in this way to subsidise those that do – a large proportion of which do not live in Worthing.
What we find beggars belief is the Tories claimed reserves were not available when Worthing Liberal Democrats proposed a smaller amount of £375,000 to be used to kickstart housing in February this year (http://www.adur-worthing.gov.uk/media/media,107803,en.pdf) and were not available when we proposed reserves were used to restore Sunday and evening bus services.
But what would Worthing Liberal Democrats do? You’ll find the answer here this time next week.
Worthing Liberal Democrats
Tuesday 3rd December – Worthing’s Tory Cabinet slashed multi-storey car park charges from £1.70 an hour to just £1.00 an hour for a trial period of three months starting on April 1st 2014. Cllr Clive Roberts moved the motion at tonight’s Adur & Worthing Joint Strategic Committee. Officers had recommended a smaller reduction to £1.20 per hour. The potential loss of revenue of £119k from the reduction is to be underwritten from reserves. Tory Leader of the Council Paul Yallop expects the extra volume of cars using the car parks to make up the revenue loss. Cllr Yallop challenged Worthing’s tax payers to ‘use them or lose them’.Worthing Lib Dem Group Leader Alan Rice said: “This is a ‘brave’ decision and it will be interesting to say the least how it pans out. It hasn’t escaped our notice that the £1.00 charges starts on April Fools Day and ends a month after election day – must be a coincidence? Before the County election this year the Tories promised to stop Worthing’s on-street profits of £2 million leaving the town but instead they have renewed the contract for another year. With an April Fools Day start next year we are certain Worthing council tax payers ‘won’t be fooled again’.”

Wednesday 4th December – Liberal Democrat MEP Sharon Bowles today warned of dramatic job losses in the financial sector if the UK were to leave the EU, after co-CEO of Goldman Sachs Michael Sherwood said his company would be likely to ‘drastically reduce’ its activities in London in case of an EU exit. Goldman Sachs currently employs around 5500 people in London compared to just 200 in Frankfurt.

Speaking to German newspaper Frankfurte Allgemeine Zeitung, Mr Sherwood warned:”In all likelihood we would transfer a substantial part of our European business from London to a Eurozone location – the most obvious contenders being Paris and Frankfurt.”

Commenting, Chair of the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee Sharon Bowles said: “Being part of the EU, the world’s largest trading bloc, is vital for the UK financial services sector and the 2 million people it employs. Leaving would mean losing unfettered access to the single market and influence over its rules. That would inevitably make a lot of banks reconsider whether to locate their business here, dealing a major blow to the UK economy just as it begins to show signs of recovery. Liberal Democrats, as the unambiguous party of In, are determined to stand up for Britain’s national interest by ensuring we remain a leading member of the EU. We cannot simply stand by and let the Eurosceptics throw our economic recovery away. That’s why it is so important that businesses are making their voices heard and contributing to the debate.” (Sharon Bowles Press Release)

Wednesday 4th December – Worthing Lib Dem Group Leader Alan Rice asked at tonight’s Worthing County Committee if there was any more clarity on whether funding was available for the announced Montague Street refurbishment. At the previous County Local Committee in September it was unclear whether the cost would be £1 million, £2 million or more. Also it was unclear whether the funds were genuinely available – especially with the 20’s Plenty committment. The committee was again unable to give an answer tonight and the officer present promised to investigate and advise.Alan said: “Every week in the Herald we read of designs, consultations on designs and delays because of design disagreements but no-one has answered the basic questions of how the project will be funded and the timescale. It looks like we will have to wait at least another three months for an answer.”
Friday 6th December – Every Full Council meeting reports are given on the resolutions of committees held since the last meeting. The agenda for the next Full Council on December 17th was published today but although the Joint Planning Committee on December 4th is on the agenda, the Worthing Planning Committee held on November 27th is not. Nor are the minutes published on the council website. The November planning meeting was the one at which the beach chalet conversion to artist studios’ application was considered. The meeting ended in confusion as the application was at first rejected but then deferred on a subsequent vote.


Friday 13th December – ADC & WBC Joint CenSus Committee – Horsham District Council at 10.00 am

Friday 13th December – WSCC Full Council (meeting will be webcast) – County Hall, Chichester at 10.30 am

Saturday 14th December – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – St Richards Church, Maybridge 10.00 am to 10.30 am
Saturday 14th December – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – The Strand Parade shops 10.00 am to 11.00 am

Saturday 14th December – Lib Dem Gaisford/Tarring Wards Surgery – West Worthing Baptist Church 10.30 am to noon


Tuesday 17th December – WBC Full Council – Council Chamber, Town Hall at 6.00 pm

Wednesday 18th December – WBC Planning Committee – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.00 pm

Thursday 19th December – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Christ Church Hall. Grafton Road 3.00 to 4.00 pm and every second Thursday in the month

Saturday 4th January – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Road 10.30 am to noon and every first Saturday in the month

Saturday 4th January – Lib Dem Broadwater Surgery – Muldoons Coffee Shop, Cricketers Parade, Broadwater 3.00 to 4.00 pm and every first Saturday in the month

Printed (dispatched) by Virgin Media, Communications House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UP

Published and promoted by Worthing Liberal Democrats, 18 Woodlea Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1BN



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