Worthing Liberal Democrat Councillors

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Worthing Liberal Democrats Weekly Newsletter – 8th to 14th December 2013

by Press Officer on 15 December, 2013

Alan Rice
Leader: Cheaper parking

News this past week:
1. ECON Backs Bowles On Tax Transparency For All Large EU Firms
2. Final Agreement Reached On Rebuilding Europe’s Fish Stocks
3. Jemima Bland Welcomes Investment In Worthing By Top Global Company
4. East and West Worthing And Adur Liberal Democrats Unite
5. Executive Online Card Fees Banned Under New EU Consumer Rights Law
  • Lib Dems will keep County services local where ever possible
  • Lib Dems will devolve more money to be spent locally and allow residents to decide how it’s spent
  • Lib Dems will ensure vulnerable people are safeguarded and support 20 mph in Worthing’s residential roads
Leader: Cheaper parking
Last week the Tories announced their plan to reduce Off-Street car park charges from £1.70 to £1.00 an hour for a three month trial period on April Fools Day 2014. The trial is being underwritten by £118,733 from council reserves.

Worthing Liberal Democrats would not take Off-Street car parks in-house but would regain tariff control. This is in line with the Council’s own parking review.

The review in September 2012 chaired by Conservative Cllr Roger Oakley concludes taking Off Street car parking in-house “should be excluded because of the cost implications”. And rightly so as every element of cost is more expensive in house – especially staff costs.

Staff costs increase because in-house staff are paid on local authority pay scales and receive local authority guaranteed pensions. This higher cost base cripples cheaper car parking rates and is why council tax payers reserves’ are being raided to underpin the new rates.

The review further recommends “that the Council adopt an option which includes Off-Street tariff control, bringing first stage appeals in-house and improves quality control mechanisms.” This fully addresses all the complaints of Worthing residents. Worthing Liberal Democrats wholeheartedly agree and would adopt that option.

This does not mean that NCP automatically retains the contract. The new contract is put out to an open tender with not only price, but quality and service, taken into account when awarded.

Worthing Liberal Democrats welcome cheaper rates but let’s do it sensibly.

Worthing Liberal Democrats

Tuesday 10th December – Last night the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee voted for far-reaching proposals to make large EU firms more transparent in how they pay tax around the globe. Sharon Bowles MEP, who chairs the Committee, drafted the report on non-financial disclosure and has been fighting to extend corporate transparency for all large European companies – known as country-by-country reporting – since 2009.Commenting this morning, Ms Bowles said:”I am pleased my committee colleagues have come together to send a strong signal for country-by-country reporting for all large EU firms. Tax transparency should be a given for all sectors, not just for a few. It is in everyone’s best interest to know how large companies operate – particularly in the developing world..Last night, my colleagues held firm in the face of huge pressure from the business and even NGO lobby and we can be proud of our result: helping to ensure large EU companies pay their fair share in tax.” (Sharon Bowles Press Release)

Hazel and Sharon Bowles in Rustington



Tuesday 10th December – Major reforms aimed at rebuilding Europe’s depleted fish stocks were agreed by MEPs meeting in Strasbourg today.The new EU Common Fisheries Policy makes it a legal requirement to set quotas for fish catches with the aim of achieving maximum sustainable yields.It requires long term management plans to be prepared for every fishery, and devolves day to day decisions about fishing practice from Brussels to regional bodies. A ban on the discard of fish will be phased in from 2015, when fishermen will be legally obliged to land all the fish they catch. Catherine Bearder, a Liberal Democrat MEP and member of the cross-party ‘Fish for the Future’ group to campaign for reform, claimed the new policy demonstrated the importance of Britain playing a constructive role in Europe to achieve improvement.Catherine said: “For too long decisions were made about fishing policy that ignored scientific advice, with the result that Europe now has to import two thirds of the fish we eat.We have been in dire need of a long term solution to replenishing our seas so that our children can feed themselves in future. We have also seen our own food habits adapt as a result of campaigns such as the fish fight campaign. Now more Sardines, Pollock and Hake are being eaten at the dinner table as we move away from traditional choices such as cod. These changes are hugely important, and British ministers and MEPs can claim credit for the role they played in overcoming French and Spanish opposition to bring them about. The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy is a work in progress. There will be loopholes that must still be closed. But real progress is being made and this can already be seen in the recovery of cod and haddock stocks around our coasts.” (Catherine Bearder Press Release)



Wednesday 11th December – Worthing’s GSK plant in Broadwater will benefit from a large new investment. More staff will be needed at the site as they take on manufacture of a popular antibiotic. This news comes as the government, and particularly Vince Cable at the Department for business, have been working hard to make sure the UK remains a desirable place to invest for companies in the field of research and development. GSK have praised the UK’s patenting laws and the value placed on protection of intellectual property as the major reason for their increased presence in the UK.
Jemima Bland, Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for East Worthing and Shoreham, said today: “This is great news for Worthing. I am delighted to welcome increased investment by a FTSE 100 company to our internationally – well connected town! There is no doubt that if we were outside the EU, we would find it harder to attract this sort of investment. Following the success of Worthing’s Small Business Saturday last weekend, I’m doubly glad that big businesses are thriving in our part of the world, too.’’ (Jemima Bland Press Release)

Jemima Bland (small)


Thursday12th December – East Worthing & Adur and West Worthing Liberal Democrat Local Parties agreed at a meeting tonight to become one named Adur & Worthing Liberal Democrat Local Party, The new local party comes into force on January 1st 2014. New Charirman is former Liberal Councillor John Lovell.


Friday 13th December – Excessive surcharges on card payments and pre-ticked boxes on websites are to be banned following the coming into force of new EU consumer rights legislation today. Under the new rules, which must be fully implemented by 13th June 2014, retailers across the EU will also have to give clearer price information and provide shoppers with longer cooling-off periods to cancel orders and return goods.Liberal Democrat MEP Sharon Bowles, who helped steer the EU legislation through the European Parliament, commented: “These new rules will finally bring consumer law into line with the digital era. This is particularly welcome news for customers in the UK who now do more of their shopping online than almost any other country in the world. I am also glad that UK businesses have been overwhelmingly supportive of these changes. Greater legal clarity will make it easier for Britain’s world-leading digital firms to expand into Europe, where the rapidly growing e-commerce market is now worth over £200 billion a year. This is an example of what the EU does best, getting a better deal for consumers at home while creating exciting new opportunities for businesses abroad.” (Sharon Bowles Press Release)



Tuesday 17th December – WBC Full Council – Council Chamber, Town Hall at 6.00 pm

Wednesday 18th December – WBC Planning Committee – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.00 pm

Thursday 19th December – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Christ Church Hall. Grafton Road 3.00 to 4.00 pm

                                       and every second Thursday in the month

Saturday 21st December – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – St Richards Church, Maybridge 10.00 am to 10.30 am
Saturday 21st December – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – The Strand Parade shops 10.00 am to 11.00 am

Saturday 21st December – Lib Dem Gaisford/Tarring Wards Surgery – West Worthing Baptist Church 10.30 am to noon


Saturday 4th January – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Road 10.30 am to noon

                                      and every first Saturday in the month

Saturday 4th January – Lib Dem Broadwater Surgery – Muldoons Coffee Shop, Cricketers Parade, Broadwater 3.00 to 4.00 pm

                                      and every first Saturday in the month


Printed (dispatched) by Virgin Media, Communications House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UP

Published and promoted by Worthing Liberal Democrats, 18 Woodlea Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1BN

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