Worthing Liberal Democrat Councillors

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20 MPH Zones – Now it’s up to you

by Press Officer on 19 August, 2011

 20 MPH Zones – Now it’s up to you 

Liberal Democrats have been at the forefront of progressing the introduction of 20 mph zones in Worthing residential streets where residents want them.

Firstly at Worthing Borough Council Lib Dem Michael Donin successfully moved a motion in favour. Tarring Lib Dem Bob Smytherman followed up at West Sussex County Council with a motion approving a pilot scheme for Worthing.  The West Sussex Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport was so convinced by the argument he has fully endorsed the idea provided funds can be found and the majority of residents support the introduction.

Tarring Lib Dem councillor Norah Fisher says:

“Hit at 30 mph a child is seven times more likely to be killed than at 20 mph. For that reason alone this campaign should receive your wholehearted support.”

Fellow Lib Dem councillor Hazel Thorpe added: “Obviously safety is paramount but 20 mph zones even make economic sense. Warrington Borough Council in their pilot concluded savings due to injury collision reductions paid for the cost of introduction eight times over.  In Worthing that would amount to a net saving of £1.7 million.”          

We will find the funds needed – now it’s up to you to give and show your support.

Email: 20splentyforworthing.org.uk 

Please help the 20’s Plenty Campaign today:

Phone: 07968 707883, Website: www.20splentyforus.org.uk  

WARRINGTON BOROUGH COUNCIL 20mph Speed Limit Pilots Evaluation Report http://www.warrington.gov.uk/content_documents/Documents/Roads/20mph_Limit_Trials_Full_Report_JMF_Rev_I.doc

2 Costs are made up of lost economic output, medical and police costs and, for the deaths and injuries figure, human suffering costs.

How you can help the 20's Plenty Campaign:

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