News this past two weeks:
1. We Are All Better Off With Britain in Europe
2. EU Membership Benefits The South East Says Sharon Bowles MEP
3. Beach Chalet Tenants Ignored Again
3. As You Were On Theatres
4. Tesco Doesn’t Want Your Vote
5. IT Disaster On “Pink Papers”
Lib Dems will keep County services local where ever possible
Lib Dems will devolve more money to be spent locally and allow residents to decide how it’s spent
Lib Dems will ensure vulnerable people are safeguarded and support 20 mph in Worthing’s residential roads
Leader: Oh – Mr Muddle
Tory Leader of the Council Paul Yallop apologised last week for the “muddle” over the Beach Chalets debate at the previous week’s Full Council. Cllr Yallop lays the blame on the “muddle” on everybody except naturally himself. We understand he would have supported a debate in Council but we missed that support when Lib Dem Leader Alan Rice urged the same at the time – the silence was deafening. The issue was deferred to the Joint Strategic Committee (Adur & Worthing Cabinest together) which unlike the Council is not sound recorded. There, we understand the Tory Worthing Cabinet members showed their usual lack of skills in community engagement.
Worthing’s legal officers added to the muddle as they seemed torn between allowing the debate as this was a policy matter on the creation of a cultural quarter, and not allowing a debate because it would predjudice a planning application. Whether they resolved the muddle was certainly unclear enough at the Council for the debate not to go ahead.
When a debate is permitted is becoming increasingly muddled but what is clear is Worthing Borough Council is allowing less opportunity than we suspect Government would like, and indeed intended in their localism legislation. And they don’t make petitions for a debate easy as can be seen from this criticism:
So if Cllr Yallop is not Mr Muddle who is? The Cabinet Member for Environment has shown an almost lemming like tendency in recent weeks to take on the title. At the same Council as the beach chalet debate fiasco. the Environment Cabinet Membe muddled the legislation on Japanese Knotweed. Cllr Clve Roberts claimed transportation of the plant was illegal and worked himself up into a lather. Actually it is only illegal to plant or disperse the seeds.
When interviewed at the Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Thursday why no allotments policy had been drawn up, although recommended by the Committee three years ago, he referred to strategy. On being pulled up he said “policy? strategy? what’s the difference?” He seemed very muddled.
The Tories are making it up as they go along and try to justify their reasons afterwards. Worthing residents are fed up with their cavelier attitude to transparency, accountability and community engagement.
Worthing Liberal Democrats are even more determined to hold them to account for their failings and muddles.
But we can see ourselves continuing to shake our heads in Council and hearing Arthur Lowe exclaiming “Oh – Mr Muddle!”
Worthing Liberal Democrats
Monday 4th November – Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury commented on the publication of a CBI report today [Monday] on the economic benefits of EU membership. The report highlights research showing that membership of the EU is worth approximately 4-5% of UK Gross Domestic Product every year, or £62-78bn, roughly the size of the economies of the north east and Northern Ireland combined.Danny Alexander said: “This compelling report makes a powerful business case for the UK’s continued membership of the EU. EU membership is one of the reasons why Britain is an attractive place to invest – as businesses in India told me last week. Liberal Democrats know that we are all better off with Britain in Europe.”
Commenting further, Catherine Bearder, Lib Dem Euro MP for South East England, said: “Businesses, both large and small, are making it clear that EU membership is integral to Britain’s success as a dynamic, open economy. We should be seizing the opportunities to create jobs and growth by playing a leading role in the EU, not putting our economic recovery at risk by pulling out. British businesses know that it is so important the UK lead not leave the EU.That figure equates to our membership being worth £3000 to every household in this country. That sort of money makes a huge difference to people’s lives.”Antony Hook, Liberal Democrat candidate for the European elections next year said: “This detailed CBI report is further evidence that the UK in Europe means British people in work. Liberal Democrats will push for positive reforms like those the CBI want like extending the Single Market to the service sector. That will provide huge opportunities for British businesses and create even more jobs. The EU is the world’s largest economy and being in the EU is likely to get us the best trading access to the US, Asia and emerging economies. The case for being IN is strong and Lib Dems are the natural choice for voters who want to be IN.” (Catherine Bearder Press Release).
Thursday 7th November – A report by Britain’s biggest business organisation, the CBI, has confirmed that every person in the UK profits from EU membership each year. The report explained that each Briton benefits by £1225, compared with an annual contribution of just £116 per person. The report follows a YouGov / CBI poll which found that 78% of British firms favour staying in the EU, including 77% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and 6% of businesses said they would close if the UK left the EU. Sharon Bowles MEP for the South East said: “212,370 jobs in the South East of England depend on the UK’s EU membership, the highest number in any region outside of London. Pulling out of the EU would risk throwing our economic recovery away and put hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk. Liberal Democrats, as the party of ‘In’, are helping businesses to create more jobs in the UK by exploiting the many benefits of our EU membership. We have already helped deliver one million new jobs since 2010 and we aim to deliver one million more. The CBI’s poll and report clearly contradicts the Eurosceptic argument that Britain is better off outside the EU. Despite what Nigel Farage and his UKIP colleagues might say, the UK benefits a great deal from being in the EU. Not only do we have access to the biggest trading bloc in the world, the Single Market, but we are better able to work with our European partners on a whole range of issues, from tackling climate change to catching criminals.” (Sharon Bowles Press Release)
Thursday 7th November – The tenants of East Worthing Beach Chalets who saw their petition denied a debate in Full Council attended tonighl’s Joint Strategic Committee to hear the issue discussed. They outlined their case again for not changing the present use of the chalets but Worthing Cabinet stuck to their original decision. The tenants expressed their concerns on the difficulty in engaging with Worthing Borough Council and the lack of transparency.
Worthing Lib Dem Group Leader said: “The tenants are echoing the views we have held for years on lack of transparency and accountability of this Tory administration. We will continue to press for greater transparency and for true community engagement. Engagement which actually takes notice of the community’s views – over 2,300 views in this instance.”
Thursday 14th November – Worthing Lib Dem Leader Alan Rice at tonight’s Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee asked Worthing Borough Council’s Finance Officer how Worthing’s Theatres were doing financially compared with two years ago. Tory Leader of the Council Paul Yallop famously complained at the time Worthing’s Theatres were losing £3,000 a day. The Tories rejected bids from third parties to run the theatres and kept them in-house promising better things through a new business case. Since then the Tory Cabinet Member Mary Lermitte responsible for theatres has avoided answering questions posed by Lib Dems on the present financial status. The Finance Officer confirmed tonight the situation was the same as two years ago – there has been no improvement.
Alan said: “Well, at least we are not going backwards but it is clear why Cllr Lermitte avoids the question in the Council Chamber. Once again transparency is a word the Tories don’t understand when facts portray them in a poor light. We will continue to hold them to account and expose the facts to the clear cool light of day.”
Thursday 14th November – The Working Group on Polling Stations presented their conclusions to tonight’s Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee which were mostly to keep the status quo. But committee members of all political parties were bemused by Tesco not accepting a Polling Station in the Durrington Community Centre. Members questioned why Tesco was even consulted as the retailer has no say over the use of the Community Centre. Tesco did contribute most of the cost the centre.
Thursday 14th November – Discussion on Worthing Borough Council’s IT breakdown was held in private tonight as the report was presented on ‘pink papers’. Worthing Liberal Democrats expressed concern that once again issues were being discussed behind closed doors but were advised the content could be helpful to hackers. Reluctantly they had to accept the experts’ view.
Monday 18th November – WSCC SACRE – County Hall, Chichester at 10.00 am
Tuesday 19th November – WBC Licensing & Control Committee ‘A’ – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.00 pm
Wednesday 20th November – WSCC Environmental and Community Services Select Committee – County Hall, Chichester at 10.30 am
Thursday 21st November – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Road 10.30 to 11.30 am
and every third Thursday in the month
Thursday 21st November – WSCC Health and Wellbeing Board – County Hall, Chichester at 2.15 pm
Thursday 21st November – ADC & WBC Joint Governance & Audit Committee – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.30 pm
Saturday 23rd November – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – St Richards Church, Maybridge 10.00 am to 10.30 am
Saturday 23rd November – Lib Dem Castle Ward Surgery – The Strand Parade shops 10.00 am to 11.00 am
Saturday 23rd November – Lib Dem Gaisford/Tarring Wards Surgery – West Worthing Baptist Church 10.30 am to noon
Thursday 14th November ADC & WBC Joint Overview & Scrutiny Committee – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.30 pm
Monday 25th November – WSCC Governance Committee – County Hall, Chichester at 2.15 pm
Tuesday 26th November – WSCC Cabinet – County Hall, Chichester at 11.00 amWednesday 27th November – WSCC Children & Young People’s Services Select Committee – County Hall, Chichester at 10.30 amWednesday 27th November – WBC Planning Committee – Gordon Room, Town Hall at 6.00 pmSaturday 7th December – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Sidney Walter Centre, Sussex Road 10.30 am to noon
and every first Saturday in the month
Saturday 7th December – Lib Dem Broadwater Surgery – Muldoons Coffee Shop, Cricketers Parade, Broadwater 3.00 to 4.00 pm
and every first Saturday in the month
Thursday 19th December – Lib Dem Central Ward Surgery – Christ Church Hall. Grafton Road 3.00 to 4.00 pm
and every second Thursday in the month
Printed (dispatched) by Virgin Media, Communications House, Bartley Wood Business Park, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UP
Published and promoted by Worthing Liberal Democrats, 18 Woodlea Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1BN
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